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  1. Meaning of Monarchy
  2. Forms of Monarchy
  3. Resource Control in a Monarchy
  4. The Main Features of Monarchy
  5. Merits or Advantages and Demerits or Disadvantages of Monarchy


Meaning of Monarchy

Monarchy is a form of government headed by a king, queen or emperor known as monarch. Monarchy is an hereditary system of rule where power is transferred within the family from one generation to the other. Sovereignty is vested in an individual called the monarch.

In modern times, some countries operate monarchical form of government in which the monarch has limited power and performs ceremonial functions.

Examples of countries where the system is practiced are Britain, Saudi Arabia and Morocco.

Forms of Monarchy

There are two forms or types of monarchy:

  1. Absolute monarchy
  2. Limited or constitutional monarchy

Absolute monarchy

This is the type of monarchy in which the monarch has unlimited powers. The monarch does not derive his powers from the constitution but rules by divine right.

Lesson tags: Government Lesson Notes, Government Objective Questions, SS1 Government, SS1 Government Evaluation Questions, SS1 Government Evaluation Questions Second Term, SS1 Government Objective Questions, SS1 Government Objective Questions Second Term, SS1 Government Second Term
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