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  1. Definition and Meaning of Money
  2. Trade by Barter
  3. Historical Development of Money
  4. Functions of Money
  5. Types of Money
  6. Characteristics of Money


Definition and Meaning of Money

Money may be defined as anything that is generally acceptable as a medium of exchange for making payments, settlement of debts or other business obligations. Before the introduction of money, the type of exchange that took place was trade-by-barter.

Trade by Barter

Definition of Trade by Barter

Trade by barter may be defined as direct system and practice of exchanging goods for goods and services for services.

Problems/Difficulties/Disadvantages of Trade by Barter

  1. The difficulty of double coincidence of wants
  2. It wastes time and energy
  3. Difficulty in assessing the value the value of commodities
  4. Exchange become uninteresting and unexciting
  5. It does not encourage largequantity and variety purchases
  6. It does not encourage deferred payment
  7. It does not encourage installment payments
  8. It does not encourage division of labor
  9. There is no lending and borrowing
  10. It discourages large scale production
  11. Miscellaneous problem: These difficulties include: the non-durability, portability, divisibility, homogeneity; of the commodities that were used in exchange under trade by barter.

Lesson tags: Economics Lesson Notes, Economics Objective Questions, SS1 Economics, SS1 Economics Evaluation Questions, SS1 Economics Evaluation Questions Third Term, SS1 Economics Objective Questions, SS1 Economics Objective Questions Third Term, SS1 Economics Third Term
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