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  1. The Early Life and Call of Moses (Exodus Chapters 1-3)
  2. God Equips and Sends Moses to Lead the Israelites Out of Egypt (Exodus 4:1-17; 5:1-5)
  3. Moses Leads His People Out of Egypt (Exodus 14:1-31; 32:1-14; Numbers 13:1-31)


The Early Life and Call of Moses (Exodus Chapters 1-3)

A new Pharaoh came to power in Egypt after the death of Joseph who decided not to acknowledge the good works of Joseph about four hundred years from the date Jacob came to Egypt. He was exceedingly afraid of the increase in the population of the Israelites in the land and so became hostile to the Israelites, whom he saw as a threat to the political, economic and military interest of Egypt.

He made the Israelites to serve with rigor and bitterness as they serve under taskmasters, forcing them to build store-cities called Pithom and Raamses by self-making of morters and bricks.

He went ahead to order the midwives – Shiphrah and Puah to murder Israelite’s baby boys at birth, but because the mid-wives feared God, they did not carry out his order but gave excuse that the Hebrew women delivered their babies before calling them.

Lesson tags: CRS Lesson Notes, CRS Objective Questions, SS2 CRS, SS2 CRS Evaluation Questions, SS2 CRS Evaluation Questions First Term, SS2 CRS First Term, SS2 CRS Objective Questions, SS2 CRS Objective Questions First Term
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