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Murmuring in the Early Church

ACTS 6:1, 2

To murmur is to grumble, to show discontent. It is also to whisper in low tones to express displeasure; especially when a group of people realize that things are not being done the right way or they are being discriminated against.

There was discrimination among members of the early church. This came about during the distribution of food and other things. The Jews who were from Jerusalem and Palestine (Hebrews) were given special treatment while the Jews born outside Jerusalem and Palestine ( Grecian Jews or Hellenites) especially the widows, were treated differently. They were discriminated against and were not given the food and other things they requested for. As a result, the Grecian Jews murmured and complained bitterly.


  1. What is murmuring?
  2. Distinguish between the Hebrews and Hellenites.
  3. There was ………… among the members of the early church and this was glaring among the widows of the Grecians Jews.


Selection of Deacons (Equitable Distribution)

ACTS 6:1-7

In order to solve the discrimination and partiality problem in the distribution of food and other items among the early Christians, the apostles discussed the matter.

Lesson tags: Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Lesson Notes, Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Objective Questions, JSS3 Christian Religious Studies (CRS), JSS3 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS3 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) First Term, JSS3 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Objective Questions, JSS3 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Objective Questions First Term
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