You must complete Objects of National Consciousness: National Symbols to unlock this Lesson.


  1. Meaning of National Consciousness
  2. Meaning of National Identity
  3. Ethnic Composition of Nigeria
  4. Aspects of National Identity
  5. The Purpose of Establishment of National Institutions

Meaning of National Consciousness

National consciousness is the feeling of love for one’s country. This is called National Consciousness or Nationalism. The love for one’s country is paramount in the mind of such individual. People in a Nation share the following: (i) Common territory (ii) Economic life (iii) Political system (iv) Constitution

Meaning of National Identity

National identity refers to the characteristics by which a Nation can be recognized. Identity is a situation in which things are the same or alike. In this wise, people from particular cultural group are different from another and can easily be known because of some common characteristics they possess. For instance, the Igbo’s are different from Yoruba’s. The features that distinguish them from the Yoruba’s are language, mode of dressing, greetings, marriage practices, dance patterns, art, values, festivals, customs and tradition. Each tribe in Nigeria has its own specific cultural features that make it different from other tribes.

Ethnic Composition of Nigeria

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