The Plot Overview of the Novel

In the first part of the story titled ‘Fear’, Bigger Thomas wakes up one morning in the cramped apartment he lives with his family members. The whole house wakes up to be confronted by a very big rat. A war-like struggle ensues between Bigger’s brother and the rat before the rat is finally killed. The family members want Bigger to take up a job being offered him, so that he can help the family’s financial situation. Bigger is reluctant to do any menial job. He has his dreams. He wants to fly aeroplane, be in position of the state’s Attorney and drive powerful cars. But because of the political situation prevailing in the land, he is denied the fulfillment of his desires. This springs in him a well of hostility against the Whites and believes that his end will be awful. ‘I don’t know. I just feel that way. Every time I get to think me being black and they being whites, me being here and they being there, I feel like something awful is going to happen to me…’ (page50). He has a gang he goes on ‘operation’ with.

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