CONTENT- Meaning of Chemicals
- Chemicals Suitable for Use and Not Suitable for Use
- Need for Monitoring and Controlling Food, Drugs, and Chemicals
- Ways of Controlling Chemicals
- Effects of Lack of Monitoring of Chemicals
- Misuse and Improper Distribution of Chemicals
Meaning of Chemicals
Chemicals are compounds or substances that are artificially prepared or purified. Chemicals are substances used in chemistry or produced by a chemical reaction or process. Chemicals can be solid, liquid or gas. Examples are ice, gold, petrol, water, salt, cooking gas etc. They can be grouped into suitable and unsuitable chemicals.Chemicals Suitable for Use and Not Suitable for Use
Suitable Chemicals
A chemical is considered to be suitable when its use does not bring any bad (or negative) effect on health or pose danger to lives and properties. Examples are flavourings, spices and preservatives for foods.Unsuitable Chemicals
A chemical is said to be unsuitable when its use leads to adverse effects on lives, property and environment. Examples are caustic acids, ammonia, cyanide, etc.You are viewing an excerpt of this lesson. Subscribing to the subject will give you access to the following:
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