- Niger-SAT I
Niger-SAT I
This was launched in 2003. It was the first Nigeria satellite launched into space. It is a micro-satellite of about 100kg used for disaster monitoring, cross border monitoring, oil pipeline monitoring, monitor of area for early indication of coaster erosion, desertification and pollution. The satellite was scheduled to stay in orbit for five years after which it is to be deorbited.
Niger-SAT I had provided information on mapping of areas in Nigeria, meteorological data, geological information,… Ever since the launch of the Niger- SAT I, there had been plans to launch other Nigeria satellites such as the Niger-SAT II and the Niger-SAT X to consolidate the information obtained from the Niger-SAT I by the time it will be deorbited. There had also been projection that by the year 2025, Nigeria will launch its first satellite produced by Nigerian engineers and launch from Nigeria soil.
This is a communication satellite intended to expand mobile phone and internal service in Central Africa.
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