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  1. Introduction to Nutrient Cycling in Nature
  2. The Carbon Cycle
  3. The Oxygen Cycle
  4. The Carbon Oxygen Balance


Introduction to Nutrient Cycling in Nature

An ecosystem uses energy and inorganic nutrients to function. Energy is supplied from the sun (an external source) but inorganic nutrients are supplied and re-cycled within the ecosystem. The materials/nutrients that make up living things are used over and over again cycling between the living and non-living environments of the ecosystem.

The major nutrients required to sustain life include carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, oxygen and water. These are re-cycled through the biological, chemical and geological processes that take place in the environment thus, the nutrient cycles can also be referred to as biogeochemical cycles.

The Carbon Cycle

This is defined as the processes which bring about the circulation of carbon found in the organic molecules of living things.

The Process of Carbon Recycling

Carbon is derived from carbon dioxide in air, dead remains of organisms and in fossil fuels like crude oil and coal.

Lesson tags: Biology Lesson Notes, Biology Objective Questions, SS2 Biology, SS2 Biology Evaluation Questions, SS2 Biology Evaluation Questions Second Term, SS2 Biology Objective Questions, SS2 Biology Objective Questions Second Term, SS2 Biology Second Term
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