1. Meaning and Importance of Office Procedure
  2. Procedures for Preparing Bills, Invoices and Receipts
  3. Procedures and Methods for Making Payments

Meaning and Importance of Office Procedure

Meaning of Office Procedure

Office procedure is a set of rules or policies guiding the operations of an office. Office procedures set the standard for how staff work together in the office.

Importance of Office Procedure

  1. It ensures efficiency, consistency and professionalism of an office task.
  2. Office procedures create a uniform way of doing things.
  3. It instils discipline in an organization.
  4. It helps us to know how to handle both incoming and outgoing mail.
  5. It reduces operational costs, chances of errors and fraud.
  6. It makes office workers understand their various assigned duties.
  7. It enhances better coordination and speedy completion of tasks.

Procedure for Preparing Bills, Invoices and Receipts

Before preparing bills, invoices and receipts the following steps must be taken:

  1. Write your Company’s contact, including mail, phone number and address.

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