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  1. Meaning of Paragraphing
  2. Types of Paragraphing


Meaning of Paragraphing

Paragraphing is the breaking of write-ups into passages or sections in order to facilitate reading and understanding.  Paragraphs are also used to separate subject matters or sections of a passage or passages.

Types of Paragraphing

These are:

  1. Blocked or Flush paragraphing
  2. Indented paragraphing or-semi-blocked paragraphing
  3. Hanging paragraphing

Blocked or Flush Paragraphing

This is a type of paragraphing where all typed or typing lines start from the left margin and at the same point.

Example: In this example, all the typing lines start from the left margin and at the same point.

Indented Paragraphing or Semi-blocked Paragraphing

In this type of paragraphing,  five (5) spaces are usually given from the left margin before the first line starts.  The second and subsequent lines start from the margin.

Example: Here, spaces are given from the left margin before the first line starts.

Lesson tags: Business Studies Lesson Notes, Business Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Business Studies, JSS2 Business Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Business Studies Evaluation Questions Third Term, JSS2 Business Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Business Studies Objective Questions Third Term, JSS2 Business Studies Third Term
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