- Parts of Flowering Plant and their Functions
- Important Terms
Parts of a Flowering Plant
A flowering plant is made up of two parts, namely;
- the root system
- the shoot system
1. Root System:
The root system refers to the portion of the plant which develops inside the soil. The root has many tiny structures on it called the root hairs through which water, mineral salts and other nutrients are absorbed by the plant through a process known as osmosis.
The root system is divided into two main types namely;
- Tap/main root
- Fibrous/adventitious
A Labelled Diagram of a Flowering Plant
Functions of the Root
(i) Anchorage: for holding the plant firmly to the ground.
(ii) Nutrient absorption: Roots absorbs water and mineral elements from the soil which are then pass unto other plant parts. This is the most important function of the root to the plant.
(iii) Storage: In some plants the roots acts as storage organs e.g carrot, cassava, etc.
(iv) Reproduction: Some plants used their roots for vegetative propagation e.g. bread fruit, sweet potato, citrus etc.
(v) Nutrient fixation: Roots of leguminous crops harbors some nitrogen fixing bacteria which helps to convert atmospheric nitrogen into soil nitrate for plant use.
(vi) Erosion control: Root of grasses help to bind soil particles together thus preventing erosion.
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