- Meaning of Food storage
- Storage of Perishable Foods
- Storage of Non-perishable Foods
- Importance of Proper Storage of Food
- Food Storage Facilities
- Hints on Storage of Perishable and Non-perishable Foods
Meaning of Food storage
Food storage involves keeping preserved or purchased food in safe condition and suitable facilities for use.
Storage of Perishable Foods
Perishable foods are those foods that can spoil easily. Examples are fresh meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, milk and butter.
Storage of Non-perishable Foods
Non-perishable foods are those foods that do not spoil easily. These can keep for a very long time if stored properly. They include rice, maize, beans, flours, sugar, yam, dried maize.
Importance of Proper Storage of Food
Proper storage of food is important in the following ways:
- It prevents food from spoilage.
- It prevents loss of food nutrients.
- It helps the home-makers to save money.
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