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Definition of Perspective Drawing

Perspective drawing is the pictorial drawing which shows the three (3) dimensions of an object at once. In perspective drawings, all the lines on an object converge to a point called vanishing point (P)

Perspective drawing

Uses and Types of Perspective Drawings

Naturally, distant objects appear smaller than their real sizes e.g. the stars, the sun, the moon etc. For instance, the farther we look down a long corridor in a building, the closer it appears to come. Perspective drawing therefore shows the pictorial representation of the apparent reduction in size of a distant object. Since architecture deals with large objects like buildings, perspective drawing becomes more useful in making architectural drawings realistic than either isometric or oblique drawing. Distant parts of a building are shown in perspective as tapering to a point, just as they appear to an observer of the actual building. Perspective projection can be in one point or two point perspective.

One Point Perspective

In one point perspective drawings, the object is drawn such that the edges are made to converge to a point called the varnishing point.

Lesson tags: Basic Technology Lesson Notes, Basic Technology Objective Questions, JSS3 Basic Technology, JSS3 Basic Technology Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Basic Technology Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS3 Basic Technology First Term, JSS3 Basic Technology Objective Questions, JSS3 Basic Technology Objective Questions First Term
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