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  1. The Human Eye
  2. Description of the Human Eye
  3. Eye Defects
  4. The Camera
  5. Comparison of the Human Eye with the Camera


The Human Eye

Description of the Human Eye

The human eye is a very sensitive organ of the body, it is protected by a ring of bones or socket, eye lids and eye lashes. The diagram below shows the essential parts of the human eye.

The Human Eye

The eye lens focus light entering the eye onto the retina. The ciliary muscle is attached to the eye lens and changes the shape of the lens in accordance with the distance of the object in focus. The retina is a light sensitive area located at the back of the eye. It acts as a screen. The yellow spot on the retina is the most sensitive spot to light. The least sensitive portion is the blind spot. The retina is connected to the brain by the optical nerves.

Lesson tags: Physics Lesson Notes, Physics Objective Questions, SS2 Physics, SS2 Physics Evaluation Questions, SS2 Physics Evaluation Questions Third Term, SS2 Physics Objective Questions, SS2 Physics Objective Questions Third Term, SS2 Physics Third Term
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