1. The Meaning of Popular Participation
  2. Popular Participation in Politics
  3. Reasons Why People are Not Involved in Politics


The Meaning of Popular Participation

The term popular participation can be defined as the act of taking active role in public activities or in activities that are enjoyed by a large number of people.

Popular Participation in Politics

The concept of popular participation in politics entails the process whereby citizens, people or groups  generally come together to decide who governs them so as to protect individuals from being maltreated or taken advantage of by politicians and those in power. This relates to the slogan “power to the people”.

Furthermore, popular participation in politics can be seen as the process where all citizens irrespective of their financial, marital, social status, religious and political beliefs all cooperate under political parties or movement to determine leadership and followership.

It can briefly be defined as the political principle which is geared towards involving all citizens in the decision making and the political systems and structures of their society.

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