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  1. Preventive Measures against Cultism


Preventive Measures against Cultism

Since the consequence of cultism cannot be overemphasized, it is necessary to proffer solutions to cultism in Nigeria. The evils of this act is taking a big toll on the Nigerian society. The following are some of the ways through which we can find solutions to cultism in Nigeria:

(i) Punishment for arrested cultists should be severe according to the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria: Stiff penalty should be meted to any cultist that is caught in the act. This will discourage other people from joining.

(ii) Every secondary school should have an active counselling unit: This will be geared towards educating and enlightening of students on the dangers and implication of cultism in the society.

(iii) Studying hard in school to achieve success: Student should be kept busy and engage in school via curricular and extra-curricular activities. Because it is a known fact that an “idle mind is the devil’s workshop”. When students are engage with hard work, they will not have time to join cult.

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