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  1. Preventive Measures to Human Trafficking


Preventive Measures to Human Trafficking

The following are the preventive measures to human trafficking

  1. PUBLIC ENLIGHTENMENT: The people should be sensitized on the effects of trafficking and the need not to be deceived by the empty promises of the traffickers.
  2. EDUCATION: Quality education should be made available and affordable in our communities. This can be achieved by building more schools, employing qualified teachers and provision of adequate instructional materials.
  3. LEGAL SOLUTION: Government should ensure that there is legal framework that will recommend stiff measures and punishment for those who indulge in this social problem.
  4. LEGISLATION: Bills against human trafficking should be sponsored and passed into law in upper and lower legislative chambers.
  5. POVERTY REDUCTION: When the government ensures that the people are gainfully employed, poverty will reduce and issues of trafficking will no more be in our society.

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