1. Meaning of Choreography
  2. The Process of Choreography

The Meaning of Choreography

Choreography is a form of arranged dance in communicating ideas or sending down message that thrill the audience.

The Process of Choreography

(i) Conception of the dance idea: The approach to any form or style of dance varies. A dancer is at liberty to choose which ever form he or she likes, so far it flows with the rhythm of the music being danced to.

(ii) Gathering of the movements: It is the duty of a choreographer to gather several dance movements before finally marrying them with the rhythm of the music.

(iii) Putting and arranging the movements by teaching the dancers: After the choreographer has gathered the movements, he then proceeds to arrange them, using proper timing and the rhythm of the music.

(iv) Creating the final structure and polishing it for performance: The choreographer arrange and apply movements to the music.

Lesson tags: Cultural and Creative Arts Lesson Notes, Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions, JSS3 Cultural and Creative Arts, JSS3 Cultural and Creative Arts Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Cultural and Creative Arts Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS3 Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions, JSS3 Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions Second Term, JSS3 Cultural and Creative Arts Second Term
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