- Meaning of Processing and Products
- Animal Products
- Categories of Animal Products
- Deficient Characteristics of Animal Products
- Processing Techniques for Different Animal Products (i) Egg Products (ii) Meat (iii) Milk (iv) Hides and Skin (v) Leather Production (vi)
- Products Obtained from Animals and their Uses
Meaning of Processing and Products
Animal products refers to things or materials produced or obtained from farm animals for the purpose of human needs. Processing of animal products is an organized series of actions that produces a desired animal product. Processing of animal product is important because all the products from the animal cannot be consumed raw. Processing of animal products improve their nutritional quality and also elongate their shelf life, thereby giving room for their transportation from points of production to any part of the world where they may be needed.
Animal Products
Categories of Animal Products
Animal products can be grouped into two:
1. Primary Products
These are products derived from the animal and consumed directly with little or no processing e.g.
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