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  1. Meaning of Peace
  2. Types of Peace
  3. Importance of Peace
  4. Ways of Promoting Peaceful Living in Our Society


Meaning of Peace

Peace is a state of friendliness that is devoid of anger, absence of war or violence. It is a state of calm or quietness, living in friendship. Peace is also a quality of living together in friendship and harmony with people without argument or violence.

Peace is a value that promotes social interaction, co-operation progress and unity among members of the same society.


Types of Peace

Basically there are two types of peace; they are:

  1. Positive peace and
  2. Negative/uneasy peace

1. Positive Peace

This is when all conflicts have been resolve through dialogue, the two parties are made to meet each other’s quiet and peaceful resolution; the two parties are then satisfied. There is no feeling of anger any more, no distrust and everyone is peacefully interacting with each other. Positive peace can also be referred to as social peace.

Lesson tags: JSS3 Social Studies, JSS3 Social Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Social Studies Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS3 Social Studies First Term, JSS3 Social Studies Objective Questions, JSS3 Social Studies Objective Questions First Term, Social Studies Lesson Notes
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