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  1. Definition of Materials
  2. The Definition of Wood
  3. Identification of Wood
  4. Classification and Properties of Wood
  5. Differences in the Properties of Hardwood and Softwood
  6. Properties of Materials and Identification of Wood, Timber, Structure of Wood
  7. The Growth of Timber and Wood Structure
  8. Five Main Parts Cross Section, Classes and Properties


Definition of Materials

Materials are substances from which other things can be made. Basically, they can be classified into two: metallic and non-metallic. Furthermore, the metallic ones can be subdivided into ferrous and non-ferrous metals, while the non-metallic ones can be divided into natural and synthetic materials.

Properties of materials


The Definition of Wood

One of the materials that is supplied by nature is wood. Wood is commonly used in some engineering manufacture because it is light, strong and can be worked upon easily.

Wood is a material obtained from trees. It is made up of cellulose and lignin each consisting of 60% and 28% respectively.


Identification of Wood

Generally, wood has very good combination of colours to give it high decorative value. This makes it possible to identify some woods by their colour. Examples are:

S/NTreesColour Identification
1Iroko Yellowish brown     
2Mahogany Reddish brown     
3Afara Pale-colour     
4Teak Reddish brown     
5Yew Dark-green     
6Cotton-woodGrayish white to light grayish brown
7Hickory Reddish brown     

Lesson tags: Basic Technology Lesson Notes, Basic Technology Objective Questions, JSS1 Basic Technology, JSS1 Basic Technology Evaluation Questions, JSS1 Basic Technology Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS1 Basic Technology First Term, JSS1 Basic Technology Objective Questions, JSS1 Basic Technology Objective Questions First Term
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