- The Definition of Metals
- Identification of Metals by Physical Properties
- Classification of Metals
The Definition of Metals
A metal is a material (a compound, element or alloy) that is hard when in solid state, opaque, shiny, and which is a good conductor of heat and electricity.
Identification of Metals by Physical Properties
Identification of metals can be defined as a method used to differentiate one particular type of metal from another and from other materials which are non-metals.
Metals can be identified through their properties, which include:
- Density: This is the weight of a metal and it varies from metal to metal. E.g. aluminum is light and lead is heavy in weight.
- Colour/Lustre: This is the appearance of a metal when the surface is polished. For example, when polished and examined under a microscope, copper presents a different appearance from polished mild steel.
- Fusibility: This is the property of a metal which makes it melt and join with other metals while in a liquid form.
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