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  1. Ways of Protecting Human Rights: Roles of Individuals and Groups
  2. Groups that Assist in Protecting Human Rights of Citizens


Ways of Protecting Human Rights: Roles of Individuals and Groups

Human Rights are basic rights that every human being should be entitled to. All these rights are enshrined in the constitution of a country and are expected to be protected by the government of a country.

  1. An accused person can be represented in a court of law by his lawyer(s).
  2. Cases of human right violations could be taken care of through protest matches and media coverage. An accused person may also engage on hunger strike
  3. There are some human rights protection agencies existing in a country to defend the rights of the citizen such as the Civil Liberty Organization, committee for the defense of human rights, the civil rights projects, trade unions, students union, Ethnic Associations and Legal Aid Council
  4. The legislature can equally make an enabling law to protect the fundamental human rights
  5. International organizations like the United Nations and African Union as well as Common Wealth of Nations can help to protect the rights of the citizens by warning oppressive nations.

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