You must complete Formation of a Company to unlock this Lesson.


  1. Quoted Companies
  2. Unquoted Companies

Quoted companies


Quoted company is a company that has its shares listed on the Stock Market. This automatically qualifies such company as a public company.


If all quoted companies are public companies, then the features of quoted companies are the same with that of public companies.

Refer back to the note on features of public companies in week 4 above.


Some of the examples of quoted companies are:

  1. Zenith Bank Plc,
  2. Nigeria Breweries Plc,
  3. Eagle Flour Mills Plc,
  4. Union Bank of Nig. Plc ,
  5. Total Plc,
  6. African Petroleum Plc,
  7. Sheraton Hotels and Towers Plc,


  1. Define quoted company.
  2. List 5 features of a quoted company.
  3. Mention five examples of quoted companies.


Unquoted companies


This is a company that does not trade its shares on the Stock Market and so the shares are not listed.

Lesson tags: Financial Accounting Lesson Notes, Financial Accounting Objective Questions, SS2 Financial Accounting, SS2 Financial Accounting Evaluation Questions, SS2 Financial Accounting Evaluation Questions Second Term, SS2 Financial Accounting Objective Questions, SS2 Financial Accounting Objective Questions Second Term, SS2 Financial Accounting Second Term
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