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  1. Definition of Rangeland
  2. Characteristics of Rangeland
  3. Methods of Rangeland/Pasture Improvement
  4. Importance of Rangeland


Definition of Rangeland

A rangeland is a piece of land, usually large, on which the local or native vegetation mainly grass, or shrubs grow. A range is an extensive area of land which contains forage grasses and legumes and other herbage plants where animals like sheep, goats, cattle can graze.


Characteristics of Rangeland

  1. It contains high quality grasses and legumes.
  2. It has a high regenerative ability after being fed on by animals
  3. Selected grasses and legumes are grown in adequate proportion.
  4. It can withstand trampling by farm animals.
  5. It is properly managed for high production of the forage crops
  6. It contains no weed except some plants for shade.
  7. Burning actively stimulates growth
  8. It contains plant shades and dew needs
  9. Vegetation is usually uncultivated


Methods of Rangeland/Pasture Improvement

  1. Reseeding: This is planting of grasses and legumes in a depleted rangeland.

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