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A. The Liver

  1. Structure of the Liver
  2. Functions of the Liver
  3. Bile Products
  4. Gall Stones
  5. The Effects of Liver Diseases and Remedies
  6. Manifestations of Liver Disease

B. The Skin

  1. Structure of the Skin
  2. Care of the Skin
  3. Functions of the Skin


The Liver

Structure of the Liver

The liver is the largest gland in the body. It is located on the right side of the upper end of the abdomen, just below the diaphragm.

The liver is a reddish brown soft and well vascularised organ which consists of four lobes, two of which are very prominent. These are the right lobe which is the largest, the left lobe, the quadrate lobe and the candate lobe. The quadrate and candate lobes are small in size and lie behind the right lobe. Each lobe of the liver is made up of smaller units called lobules.

Lesson tags: Biology Lesson Notes, Biology Objective Questions, SS2 Biology, SS2 Biology Evaluation Questions, SS2 Biology Evaluation Questions Third Term, SS2 Biology Objective Questions, SS2 Biology Objective Questions Third Term, SS2 Biology Third Term
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