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  1. Meaning of Rehearsal
  2. Activities involved in rehearsal
  3. Stages of Rehearsals

Meaning of Rehearsal

Rehearsal simply means a practice done by the actors in preparation for a performance. During rehearsals, lapses are discovered and corrected for perfections before the actual performance.

Activities Involved in Rehearsals

Diverse activities which are often controlled by a director come to play when rehearsing for drama presentations. These activities include;

(i) Reading: This involves reading the script while acting by the cast in order to get familiar with the story-line of the drama.

(ii) Movement: This activity involves a director’s effort in mapping out strategies on when, how and where the actors come in and leave a scene.

This is often repeated many times in order to achieve great performance.

(iii) Prompt: Here, actors act without necessarily looking at prepared scripts. The director gives instructions and corrects actors’ mistakes where necessary. Clues and prompting are introduced at this stage.

Stages of Rehearsals

Stages are step-by-step approaches adopted during rehearsals in order to get good performance.

Lesson tags: Cultural and Creative Arts Lesson Notes, Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions, Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions Second Term, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts Evaluation Questions Second Term, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions, JSS2 Cultural and Creative Arts Second Term
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