You must complete Aquatic (Marine) Habitat to unlock this Lesson.



1. Reproduction in Amoeba by Asexual Reproduction by

  1. Binary Fission
  2. Multiple Fission

2. Reproduction in Paramecium by

  1. Asexual Reproduction
  2. Sexual Reproduction

3. Reproduction in Spirogyra by

  1. Asexual or Vegetative Reproduction or Conjugation

4. Reproduction in the Earthworm by

  1. Sexual Reproduction


Reproduction in Amoeba by Asexual Reproduction

Amoeba is a unicellular protozoa. Its mode of reproduction is asexual by fission and multiple fission.

Binary Fission

It occurs under normal condition in water when the organism grows to a particular size, the nucleus divides into two equal daughter nuclei and each of the daughter nuclei become enclosed by half of the protoplast leading to the production of two daughter cells. The cell division is simply mitotic.

Binary Fission in Amoeba

Multiple Fission

In some unicellular organisms such as amoeba, the cells rounds up to a cyst-like structure.

Lesson tags: Biology Lesson Notes, Biology Objective Questions, SS1 Biology, SS1 Biology Evaluation Questions, SS1 Biology Evaluation Questions Third Term, SS1 Biology Objective Questions, SS1 Biology Objective Questions Third Term, SS1 Biology Third Term
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