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A. Reproductive Systems in Fish and Reptiles

  1. Structures of the Male and Female Reproductive Systems
  2. Parts of the Reproductive Systems and their Functions
  3. Structures of the Male and Female Gametes (Sperm and Ovum)
  4. Differences between Male and Female Reproductive Organs


Structures of the Male and Female Reproductive Systems of Fish and Reptiles

The reproductive system plays a vital role in the reproduction of organisms. Vertebrates like the fish and reptile have distinctive systems that are involved in the process of their reproductive reproduction.

Structures of the Male and Female Reproductive System of Fish

In bony fishes like tilapia, the male reproductive system is made up of two elongated testes that are surrounded from the abdomen. The testes join a simple duct which opens at a genital opening known as Cloaca. In the females, the ovaries are contained in sac-like structures also suspended from the abdomen. The ovaries are connected in a simple duct which leads to the genital opening.

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