- Definition of Republicanism
- Features of a Republican Government
- Resource Control in a Republican Government
- Differences between Republicanism and Monarchy
Definition of Republicanism
A republican government is the form of government in which the people are governed by their elected representatives and not by hereditary rulers.
A republican government is a sovereign state headed by an elected president for a fixed term of office. Examples of republican government are presidential and parliamentary systems. In 1963, Nigeria became a republic with an elected Head of State called President. Other republican states include USA, USSR, France, Ghana, Liberia, Senegal etc.
The term republicanism is derived from the term republic. A republic is a country that is governed by elected representatives of the people and led by a president who takes charge of the affairs of a country for a stipulated period.
- Enumerate resource control in monarchical government.
- Outline five features of monarchy.
- What is Republicanism?
Features of a Republican Government
The following are the features of a republican government:
- In a republic, political offices are competed for in elections.
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