You must complete Capital Market and Loan Capital to unlock this Lesson.


  1. Requirements for Accessing the Capital Market
  2. Stages in Accessing the Capital Market
  3. Benefits of the Capital Market

Requirements for Accessing the Capital Market

For a company to be able to gain access to the capital market, such a company;

  1. MUST BE A PUBLIC COMPANY: The first requirements a company needs in order to access the capital market, is to be registered as public company.
  2. MUST PRESENT COMPANY AUDITED ACCOUNT: For the capital market to recognize companies either register or not, the company must employ the service of a professional accountant, to audit the financial statement of the company.
  3. MUST APPOINT MARKET OPERATOR AND CONSULTANT: The Company needs a market operator and consultant. The company needs professional advisers, which a company had used in the past, may not necessarily be suitable or experienced to take the company to the market because of the specialist input means that consultant must be a professional.




From beginning to end, the process of taking a private company to the Daily Official List of       the Nigerian Stock Exchange can be broken down into stages.

Lesson tags: Financial Accounting Lesson Notes, Financial Accounting Objective Questions, SS2 Financial Accounting, SS2 Financial Accounting Evaluation Questions, SS2 Financial Accounting Evaluation Questions Third Term, SS2 Financial Accounting Objective Questions, SS2 Financial Accounting Objective Questions Third Term, SS2 Financial Accounting Third Term
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