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  1. The Main Political Institutions in the Precolonial Societies
  2. Functions and Powers of Paramount Chiefs
  3. Functions and Powers of The Council of Elders
  4. Functions and Powers of Secret Societies
  5. Functions and Powers of Age Grades
  6. Functions and Powers of Religious Organizations


The Main Political Institutions in the Precolonial Societies

The main political institutions of the pre-colonial societies included:

  1. The paramount chiefs.
  2. The Council of elders.
  3. Secret Societies.
  4. Age grades.
  5. Religious organizations.


Functions and Powers of Paramount Chiefs

  1. They acted as the supreme rulers of their various communities.
  2. They performed religious functions as high priest of all religious cults.
  3. They controlled commerce and trade in their various communities.
  4. They perform legislative functions of law-making in their various communities.
  5. They ensured the defense of their communities.


Functions and Powers of The Council of Elders

  1. The council of elders saw to the installation and deposition of the paramount chiefs.

Lesson tags: Government Lesson Notes, Government Objective Questions, SS2 Government, SS2 Government Evaluation Questions, SS2 Government Evaluation Questions Second Term, SS2 Government Objective Questions, SS2 Government Objective Questions Second Term, SS2 Government Second Term
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