- Meaning of Business Goal
- Analysis of Business Goals
- Definition of Simple Business Plan
- Characteristics of a Business Plan
- Procedure for Drawing Business Plan
- How to Draw a Business Plan
Meaning of Business Goal
A business goal is an objective to be achieved generally by a specific date, time or period.
Analysis of Goals
Goals can be analyzed using an acronym called the SWOT Analysis.
SWOT stand for:
S – Strengths
W – Weaknesses
O – Opportunities
T – Threats
The internal environment comprises of Strengths and Weaknesses, while the external environment entails Opportunities and Threats.
S – Strength:- This is the characteristic of a business or project that gives it an advantage over others. Some of the factors for strength are expertise, quality, low capital requirement, stock, and product requirement.
W – Weakness:- Weaknesses are elements of a business that prevent it from performing at its optimum level.
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