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Soldering is a method of joining metals by melting and flowing as a soft or hard solder (both being referred to as filler material/metal). Soldering can also be defined as the process of joining two or more metals together by the use of heat. There are two types of soldering, namely:

Soldering and Brazing - Types of Soldering

1. HARD SOLDERING: It is a form of soldering which requires a high temperature. Hard soldering may involve brazing and silver soldering. It is used for hard/tough materials and where great strength is needed. This method is used in joining pipes in refrigeration, jewellery making and for joining metals such as copper, silver and gold.

2. SOFT SOLDERING: It is a form of soldering which requires a low temperature. It uses soft solder, an alloy of lead, tin, antimony and bismuth. It is used for light material that does not need excess heat and also where great strength is not necessary. This may include plumbing work, electrical wiring and electronic.

FLUX – Flux is needed in both hard and soft soldering.

Lesson tags: Basic Technology Lesson Notes, Basic Technology Objective Questions, JSS3 Basic Technology, JSS3 Basic Technology Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Basic Technology Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS3 Basic Technology First Term, JSS3 Basic Technology Objective Questions, JSS3 Basic Technology Objective Questions First Term
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