1. Speech Work: Vowel sounds /е/, /ʌ/, /ɜ:/, /ə/
  2. Comprehension: Sickle Cell Disease
  3. Vocabulary Development: Words Associated with Animal Husbandry (Poultry)
  4. Structure: Phrase – Verb Phrases
  5. Writing Skills: Letter Writing – Informal Letter (Formats)


ASPECT: Speech Work

TOPIC: Vowel sounds: /е/, /ʌ/, /ɜ:/ and /ə/

The Vowel Sound /e/

This is a short, front, half close, spread vowel sound. It is produced by keeping the front of the tongue briefly at a position mid-way towards the close region and by keeping the lips spread. The phonetic symbol of the sound represents the sound in the table below in their respective words.

The Vowel Sound /ʌ/

This is a short central, half open, neutral vowel sound. It is produced by keeping the centre of the tongue briefly in apposition mid-way and by keeping the lips neutral. The phonetic symbol of the sound are listed in the table below with their respective word examples.

Lesson tags: English Language Lesson Notes, English Language Objective Questions, SS1 English Language, SS1 English Language Evaluation Questions, SS1 English Language Evaluation Questions First Term, SS1 English Language First Term, SS1 English Language Objective Questions, SS1 English Language Objective Questions First Term
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