You must complete SS1 English Language Second Term Week 1 to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Speech Work: Stress Timing in English Sentences; Correct Phrasing & Voice Modulation
  2. Comprehension/Summary: Summarizing in a Specified Number of Sentences
  3. Vocabulary Development: Words Commonly Misspelt and Use of the Dictionary (Examples: conceive, thief, beginning, proceed, occasion, etc.)
  4. Structure: Complex Sentences
  5. Writing Skills: Articles for Publication in a School Magazine (Organization): “The Evil Effects of Peer Pressure”

ASPECT: Speech Work

TOPIC: Stress Timing in English Sentences

English is timed by the syllables we stress. It is thus irregular in rhythm. When we speak naturally, words are parts of phrases and longer sentences. The time relationships among syllables make up the rhythm of language. Just as musical notes are of different lengths (1/2 notes, ¼ notes) and are grouped into measures (3/3 time, 7/8 time), syllables also make patterns that help us to figure out where words begin and end and which words are more important than others.

Every language has its own rhythm. Look at the two sentences below: Which sentence sound more natural in English?

Lesson tags: English Language Objective Questions, SS1 English Language, SS1 English Language Evaluation Questions, SS1 English Language Evaluation Questions Second Term, SS1 English Language Objective Questions, SS1 English Language Objective Questions Second Term, SS1 English Language Second Term
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