- Speech Work: Stress – Words with Six Syllables, Stressed on the Fifth Syllable)
- Vocabulary Development: Words Associated with Environment – (Pollution)
- Reading Comprehension: Reading to Appreciate Culture – ‘War Against Cultism’ (NOSEC, pages 70 – 71)
- Structure: Introduction to Sequence of Tenses
- Writing Skills: Technical and Specific Purposes (Introduction)
- Summary: Practical Approach to Writing a Good Summary
ASPECT: Speech Work
TOPIC: Words with Six Syllables
Definition of Syllable
A syllable is the most basic unit in speech. It is a unit of sound that usually contains a vowel which may be preceded by one or more consonant sounds before or after it. Vowels and consonant sounds are arranged into an acceptable sequence to form a number of units known as syllables. A syllable or more forms a word. Therefore, syllables can be classified according to the numbers in which they occurred in words. The topic here centres on words with six syllables that are stressed on the fifth syllable.
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