- Speech Work: Diphthongs – Contrasting /∂u/ and /u∂/
- Vocabulary Development: Word Modifiers (reddish, greenish, pungent, unsavoury)
- Reading Comprehension: Reading for Implied Meaning – ‘Robbers Invade Obioma’s Home’ (NOSEC, pages 93 – 94)
- Structure: Reported Speech
- Writing Skills: Speech Writing (Guided Writing) – “The Impact of HIV/AIDS on the Society”
- Summary: Exercise – ‘Evil of Unemployment’ (NOSEC, pages 96 – 97).
ASPECT: Speech Work
TOPIC: Diphthongs – Contrasting /әu/ and /uә/
Both sounds are vowels. Meanwhile /әᴜ/ is a closing neutral vowel, whereas /ᴜә/ is a centring rounded neutral vowel. The sounds do not have similar sounds but their contrasts exist in the spelling occurrences in words.
Show the vowel sounds in these words:
ASPECT: Vocabulary Development
TOPIC: Word Modifiers (reddish, greenish, pungent, unsavoury)
ASPECT: Comprehension
TOPIC: Robbers Invade Obioma’s Home TEXT: (NOSEC, pages 93 – 94)
Students should be made to read the passage carefully with appropriate articulation and gesticulation before answering questions on it.
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