You must complete SS2 English Language Second Term Week 1 to unlock this Lesson.



  1. Speech Work: Intonation – (Expressing Surprise/Disbelief (Exclamation)
  2. Vocabulary Development: Words associated with Hotel and Catering
  3. Reading Comprehension: ‘Soldiers on Guard’ (NOSEC, pages 102 – 103)
  4. Structure: Participles (Forms and Functions)
  5. Writing Skills: Minutes of Meeting (Format and Style)
  6. Summary: Exercise – ‘Roles of Mothers’ (NOSEC, pages 110 – 111)


ASPECT: Speech Work

TOPIC: Intonation Expressing Surprise/Disbelief

Meaning of Intonation

Intonation is the modification of the voice in various ways to create a melody of speech. It is also the variation of the level of the voice in a continuous speech. The upward and downward movement of the voice is called Pitch.

Functions of Intonation

Intonation performs two basic functions in English; grammatical and attitudinal functions.

Grammatical Function is associated with specific sentence types. In the case of attitudinal, it indicates whether a sentence is a statement, order, question, request, greeting, declaration, exclamation etc.

Lesson tags: English Language Lesson Notes, English Language Objective Questions, SS2 English Language, SS2 English Language Evaluation Questions, SS2 English Language Evaluation Questions Second Term, SS2 English Language Objective Questions, SS2 English Language Objective Questions Second Term, SS2 English Language Second Term
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