- Speech Work: Intonation – (Expressing Surprise/Disbelief (Exclamation)
- Vocabulary Development: Words associated with Hotel and Catering
- Reading Comprehension: ‘Soldiers on Guard’ (NOSEC, pages 102 – 103)
- Structure: Participles (Forms and Functions)
- Writing Skills: Minutes of Meeting (Format and Style)
- Summary: Exercise – ‘Roles of Mothers’ (NOSEC, pages 110 – 111)
ASPECT: Speech Work
TOPIC: Intonation Expressing Surprise/Disbelief
Meaning of Intonation
Intonation is the modification of the voice in various ways to create a melody of speech. It is also the variation of the level of the voice in a continuous speech. The upward and downward movement of the voice is called Pitch.
Functions of Intonation
Intonation performs two basic functions in English; grammatical and attitudinal functions.
Grammatical Function is associated with specific sentence types. In the case of attitudinal, it indicates whether a sentence is a statement, order, question, request, greeting, declaration, exclamation etc.
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