- Speech Work: Contrasting /s/ and /z/, /∫/ and /ʒ/
- Vocabulary Development: Prefixes (as Word Extension, Making for New Meanings)
- Reading Comprehension: Reading for Implied Meaning – ‘A Wandering Stranger’ (NOSEC, pages 115 – 116)
- Structure: Kinds of Pronouns – Demonstrative, Interrogative and Possessive Pronouns
- Writing Skills: Creative Writing
- Summary: Exercise – ‘Hair Care’ (NOSEC, page 149)
ASPECT: Speech Work
TOPIC: Contrasting /s/ and /z/, /∫/ and /ʒ/
Consonant /s/
This is a voiceless alveolar fricative sound. E.g. seven, set, single, set, serve, see, sweet, soft, so, smile, peace, class, planks, parts, pumps, crafts, astray, etc.
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