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  1. Terminologies Used in Poultry Production
  2. Terminologies Used in Pig Production
  3. Terminologies Used in Rabbit Production
  4. Terminologies Used in Cattle Production
  5. Terminologies Used in Goat Production


Terminologies Used in Poultry Production

Cock: Male fowl above one year of age

Cockerel: Male fowl below one year of age

Hen: Female fowl above one year of age

Pullet: Female fowl below one year of age

Chick: A young fowl 0-6 weeks old

Capon: A castrated male fowl

Caponization: Process of castration in fowl

Treading: The act of mating in fowl

Grower: Fowl between 7-19 weeks of age

Layer: Female fowl of over 20 weeks

Broiler: Fowl reared for meat

Clutch:  A group of young chicks

Flock: A group of fowls

Chicken: Meat of fowl


Terminologies Used in Pig Production

Boar: A Male pig

Sow: Matured Female Pig  

Gilt: A female pig that is mature to reproduce or has reproduced once

Piglet: A young or baby pig

Weaners: Young pigs just separated from the mother

Fatteners: Old pigs reared for the market

Barrrow: A castrated male pig

Farrowing: The act parturition in pig

In-sow: A pregnant sow

Dry sow: A sow that is not pregnant

Pork: The meat of pig

Bacon: Salted pig meat

Lard: Pig with fat


Terminologies Used in Rabbit Production

Buck: An adult male rabbit

Doe: An adult female rabbit 

Kitten/warren: A young or baby rabbit

Hutch: The house of rabbit

Kidding: The act of parturition in rabbit

Pelt: The skin of rabbit

Litter: All the young rabbits produced at the same time by one doe

Sucking: Feeding of young ones from the mothers breast milk

Dam: A mother of a set of young rabbits

Sire: The father of a set of young rabbits.

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