- Background to the 1960 Independence Constitution
- Main Features of the 1960 Independence Constitution
- Merits of the Independence Constitution of 1960
- Demerits of the Independence Constitution of 1960
- Features of Colonial Constitutions
Background to the 1960 Independence Constitution
In preparation for Nigeria’s independence, constitutional conferences were held to discuss the timing of self government and other issues affecting Nigeria. There were resolutions from these conferences. These resolutions which included the following were later included into the 1960 Independence constitution:
- A House of Chiefs for the East
- A bicameral legislature at the centre comprising of the Senate and the House of Representatives
- The creation of the office of Prime Minister
- A list of Fundamental Human Rights.
Main Features of the 1960 Independence Constitution
The following are the features of the 1960 Independence Constitution:
- The governor-general, a representative of the Queen of England, became the Head of State while the Prime Minister, who would be elected, became Head of Government.
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