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  1. Textile Design
  2. Graphics Design
  3. Ceramic Design
  4. Fine Art (Aesthetics Design)

The branches of art

Textile Design

Textile design is the art of producing and decorating fabric material using elements of design like colors, and motifs to form design pattern on the fabric.

Types of Textile Design

  1. Weaving
  2. Embroidery
  3. Appliqué
  4. Textile print
  5. Tie and Dye
  6. Batik

Materials and Tools Used in Textile Design

Dye, Caustic soda, Sodium hydro-sulphite, Raffia or twine, candle or wax, starch and alum, Tjanting tool, etc.

Graphics Design

Lesson tags: Cultural and Creative Arts Lesson Notes, Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions, JSS1 Cultural and Creative Arts, JSS1 Cultural and Creative Arts Evaluation Questions, JSS1 Cultural and Creative Arts Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS1 Cultural and Creative Arts First Term, JSS1 Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions, JSS1 Cultural and Creative Arts Objective Questions First Term
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