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Definition of Digital Divide

Digital divide refers to the gap between those people with effective access to digital and information technology and those without. It includes the imbalance in the physical access to technology as well as imbalance in resources and skills needed to participate effectively as a digital citizen.

Concept of digital divide

The Digital divide is probably one of the first concepts considered when reflecting on the theme of the social impact caused by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). From there on, one perceives that these technologies are going to produce differences in the development opportunities of people, and that a distance will be established between those with access to these technologies and those without.

The term ‘digital divide’ describes the fact that the world can be divided into people who do and people who don’t have access to, and the capability to use modern Information and Communication Technology, such as the telephone, television, or the internet.

The digital divide is often seen to exist along the following lines:

  1. Between the rich and poor countries;
  2. Between those in cities and those in rural areas;
  3. Between males and females
  4. Between the rich and the poor individuals;
  5. Between physically challenged and those without any disability
  6. Between literates and illiterates, etc.

Lesson tags: Computer Studies Lesson Notes, Computer Studies Objective Questions, JSS3 Computer Studies, JSS3 Computer Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS3 Computer Studies Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS3 Computer Studies First Term, JSS3 Computer Studies Objective Questions, JSS3 Computer Studies Objective Questions First Term
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