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  1. Definition of Setting
  2. Types of Setting
  3. Characterisation


Definition of Setting

Setting in a literary work refers to the physical and social environment within which a literary work is written. It makes reference to the events, time and space a literary work is written. It can also be said that setting is the surroundings in which something exists or takes place.


Types of Setting

From the definition above, there are two words that make up the types of setting. They are ‘physical and social’. In other words, we have physical setting and social setting.

1. Physical Setting:

This is referring to the geographical location of the play. The environment such as the valley, forest, village, city, nation, hill, etc. The term ‘physical’ refers to all the things that can be seen in a play or story. The things in the apartment e.g room, kitchen, etc. are classified as physical setting. The costumes worn by the characters and everything that can be seen by the naked eyes is also referred to as a physical setting.

Lesson tags: Literature in English Lesson Notes, Literature in English Objective Questions, SS1 Literature in English, SS1 Literature in English Evaluation Questions, SS1 Literature in English Evaluation Questions First Term, SS1 Literature in English First Term, SS1 Literature in English Objective Questions, SS1 Literature in English Objective Questions First Term
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