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  1. Conditions for Marriage



Marriage readiness means when a bachelor or spinster who is willing to marry meets the necessary conditions that required for a successful marriage. Some of the necessary conditions to be met by persons planning to get married are:

  1. PHYSIOLOGICAL FITNESS (Biological Maturity): Marriage is not meant for children. The two persons who want to get married must be matured physically .They are supposed to have attained adult status in terms of age. They should be grown-up.
  2. PSYCHOLOGICAL FITNESS: This entails that the people planning to get married should be able to control their emotions and feelings. This is also called emotional maturity.
  3. SOCIAL STABILITY: Marriage is meant for people who understand and relate well with other people. They must understand each other’s problem and show concern for them.
  4. FINANCIAL READINESS: This means persons who want to marry must have stable and reasonable source of income. At least, they must have a meaningful source of income to enable the marriage succeed.

Lesson tags: JSS2 Social Studies, JSS2 Social Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Social Studies Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS2 Social Studies First Term, JSS2 Social Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Social Studies Objective Questions First Term, Social Studies Lesson Notes
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