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  1. Characteristics of Human Rights
  2. Categories of Human Rights


Characteristics of Human Rights

Human rights possess the following features:

(i) Universality: Human rights are universal in nature. This means that all humans at various times in history no matter their location or race are entitled to them. Human rights and human dignity are universal concepts. These rights are inherent in every human being because they are human and not animal.

(ii) Inalienability: This implies that human rights cannot be taken away from an individual and they cannot be given away or be forfeited. Certain instincts are natural to all human beings and since they are born with them they cling to these instincts no matter how much they are suppressed. These are the rights to life, expression, association and movement. Nobody can take away the right to be alive, move about freely, express oneself and associate with other people. These rights cannot be taken away except in some exceptional conditions in relation to due process. For instance, the right to liberty may be restricted if a person is found guilty of a crime by a competent court of law.

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