- The Concept of Major Pillars of Democracy
- The Major Pillars of Democracy in Nigeria
The Concept of Major Pillars of Democracy
Democracy like a house cannot survive without pillars. Thus the concept of pillars of democracy entails institutions and organs of the government that work together to make democracy work and survive in a modern democratic state. Some of the pillars of democracy in Nigeria include the Nigerian constitution, political parties and the arms of government.
The Major Pillars of Democracy in Nigeria
(i) The Constitution
The constitution of a country spells out the DOs and DON’Ts of the citizenry of a state. It shows the relationship between the government and the people. It also establishes the basic structure of government. Constitution involves written or unwritten rules, customs, norms, values, traditions and principles by which a particular country is governed.
Sources of the Constitution
The rules, conventions, norms, values, traditions and principles which make up the constitution of a country may originate from the following:
- Acts of parliament
- Constitutional and historical documents
- Common laws of the land.
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