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  1. Meaning of Marriage
  2. Purpose of Marriage
  3. Marriage-related Terms/Concepts


Marriage is the process by which a man and a woman are brought together as husband and wife to form a family. This process normally involves the father and the mother of both the parents of the man and the woman and their relatives. The process also involves the payment of bride wealth, or bride price, prayers said to ask God and ancestors for their blessing for marital success like children, long life, happiness and prosperity. The process also involves exchange of gifts, hospitality and merriments.


The purpose of marriage includes the following:

  1. Procreation: The main purpose of marriage is to get children.
  2. Sexual satisfaction: People also get married because of regulated and approved sexual satisfaction.
  3. For companionship: Married couples also derive psychological satisfaction and happiness in living together.
  4. Growth in mutual love and help: For example; love, financial help and material exchanges, also make people to get married.

Lesson tags: JSS2 Social Studies, JSS2 Social Studies Evaluation Questions, JSS2 Social Studies Evaluation Questions First Term, JSS2 Social Studies First Term, JSS2 Social Studies Objective Questions, JSS2 Social Studies Objective Questions First Term, Social Studies Lesson Notes
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